Gotta keep the creative juices flowing somehow & anything your mind can churn out is for the best. But damn I hate when my PC crashes half way through making a song. No fun. :(
Gotta keep the creative juices flowing somehow & anything your mind can churn out is for the best. But damn I hate when my PC crashes half way through making a song. No fun. :(
Even though it's unfinished it sounds really awesome actually. Not on par with some of your older songs, probably because it's not finished. But it still amazes me how even an unfinished song of yours is still better than half of the shit in the audio portal. Great job man. Can't wait until you actually finish it.
As much as I hate the uber-popularity you have, the one thing I can not deny is that you have quality. In a way, I agree with RYNOL; it's not the best, but it's better than most music that crawls from the abyss into our audio portal.
ah that song kicks major ass. you should make more of this style
Woah.. this is really awesome. Reminds me a bit of some Overseer.. but better!
At least you're not leaving us without new stuff.
Your songs aer still my favourites. On and off newgrounds. And even an unfinished piece sounds so good. I really hope you get a new PC soon, so you can make more songs. I love you. <3
Nice, but it's not your style. Make some techno/trance/DB!
what song was that???
Ja mooi. Koop een nieuwe! >:( xD voordat ik het doe/ En ik heb al zoveel geld xD
Als jij met mij een collab wilt doen krijg je de mijne xD
VRAAGJE! gaat deze op deviantART?
Is this unfinished song Twilight Princess?
Cuz that song's not bad, actually. I like it!
I'm also wondering when you'll make a new Chaoz song....
Since when was your aura EVIL? Last time I checked it was LIGHT!
Hey could you please PM me an email address I can contact you with or add me to your contact list? It's important. :)
Hey, why did you remove your song? It was awesome!
DIRRT!! I missed it by what looks like a couple days. I was looking forward to new material but now its gone :(
so why was it deleted for. it may have been unfinished and short but daymn was it a good song still. When its finished i'll be sure to listen and download
cool shit. i personally prefer your drum n bass stuff, but there's alot of nice melodies and whatnot. keep producin'! :D
Sometimes it's just fun to try different things =]
But thanks rucklo! ;]