Hi everyone!
I want to let you know that i recently bought a new notebook!
It's the cheapest notebook i could find that has an i7 core =D
I really would like to thank everyone for your donations.
Without you I would not be able to buy this notebook.
Thank you all very very much! I'm so lucky to have you guys.
I believe my best way to thank you, is to make new songs for you.
And ofcourse I will do so! My motivation to make new songs has grown
even stronger! There are still a few things to do/buy before i can
make new songs tho. But once i got it all settled, i can start working
on new superfreshhhhy things!.. =)
Thank you, tHank you very much!! ♥
I still have some old unfinished songs on my flash drive,
which i will upload @NG or @SC before i will submit a 'new' song.
Make sure you subscribe @YT, and hit the 'Like'-button on my @FB, to stay up-to-date
of all the new things =)
I have already uploaded one of my old unfinished songs on soundcloud =)
T. Taksar
A. Lindewall
E. D. Iversen
j. lin
M. Sachar
J. Ellenberger
J. Stahlecker
j. coffee
H. St-Onge
W. Stamper
J. Kennedy
J. Kasten
i. wiesner
f. alsaadi
A. Rębacz
F. Champagne
C. MacNiven
A. Dunne
M. Green
P. Mächler
C. Eggers
(Lol first comment) Yay, new tracks :)